Friday, January 2, 2015

Honeymoon and Welcome 2015

I just returned from the most relaxing 7 day trip of my life. I was on my honeymoon at Myrtle Beach, about four hours from my home. I actually got married on November 1st, but being that my husband and I are both teachers (myself elementary school and he college) we chose to wait until Christmas break to get away and it was GREAT.

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 
If you follow me on Facebook, I posted a bit about my trip throughout the week. I tried my best not to be consumed with sharing my vacation and instead focus on enjoying it, but I did share some of my favorite places we went an things we saw. Some things we did included Krispy Kreme doughnuts, margaritas at Margaritaville, pizza at Godfather's and pretty much anything else we wanted. I had a couple people jab at me saying, "Are those healthy things?" and I responded with a laugh, "Yes, when you're on your honeymoon." In all seriousness I ate and drank whatever I wanted this past week. I had soda and mixed drinks which is out of the norm for me. I ate fried foods and greasy food. Basically if it was food, I ate it. I did not choose to spend my honeymoon counting calories, measuring portions, and logging food on MyFitnessPal. Did I exercise? You bet! We walked A LOT. We bowled every day (our resort had it's own bowling alley). We swam every day and got in the hot tub. We took the stairs when the elevators were too slow or broken (seriously). Should every day be consumed with mixed drinks, doughnuts, pizza and other treats? No, but everything is okay in moderation. One day or week will NOT kill you or your lifestyle. It is what you do after your indulgences that make the difference.

I shared this delicious, Jimmy Buffett inspired
concoction with my husband.
For me I had a home cooked meal as soon as I got home tonight. My husband grilled steaks and I made mashed potatoes and gravy. Not the best, but as you can imagine we didn't go grocery shopping before our trip. It was glorious to have a home cooked meal though. Tomorrow my husband and I will both be back on Shakeology. We'll also do some serious grocery shopping. I'll be making it my JOB to drink water since I didn't do a great job of that while I was away and I'll be back on my T25 schedule starting tonight with T25 Cardio. I started back logging my meals yesterday as it's a goal of mine to log every day of 2015.

Speaking of 2015,  I've set some goals for myself for this year. I don't like to use the word resolution, per say because resolutions have the reputation of being short lived. Did you know most resolutions are broken and forgotten by Feb.1st? Instead this year I'm making REALsolutions. That's right I've got problems (don't we all) and I want to find real solutions to fix them.

Here are my top 10 personal & fitness REALsolutions for the year of 2015:
  1. Hit goal by June 1st - I still have 30ish pounds to lose and between T25 and Body Beast, I know I can kick those pounds to the curve. 
  2. Be more present- I'll be the first to admit I have a slight addiction to my phone/Facebook and my husband is not shy about calling me on it. I'm working on being more present with those around me instead of allowing myself to be distracted when I could be making memories. 
  3. Change lives - My goal is to help 500 people just like myself meet their personal/fitness goals this year. I must admit 500 people is a lofty goal. That boils down to roughly 41 people per month, but I'm committed to showing others that they CAN do it. 
  4. Log my food every day of 2015 - Believe it or not this may be one of the more difficult REALsolutions for me. I'm really good at eating but not so good at recording it, but I know that writing it down will be key to my making goal. 
  5. Increasing Positivity - This is something I've become better at over the years. Growing up I was surrounded by a lot of negativity. My parents had a bad relationship that eventually lead to a divorce when I was in middle school. The separation and divorce was very traumatic for all involved. Every day I was filled with negativity. However, through much personal development  I have learned that I cannot remain negative. Negativity is a poison that causes us to rot within. We are brought down by it and it can be difficult to escape. It clouds our vision to reality and is all around awful. That is why increasing positivity is one of my continuing goals for the year. We truly attract what we put out into the world, and I want to be surrounded by positive and upbeat people, not Negative Nancy's. 
  6. Travel at least a mile every day. 1 mile a day is not a lot. For my stride that is about 2,400 steps. That is the MINIMUM I want to move each day. My Jawbone will keep me accountable to that. 
  7. Love more - We have enough hate in this world that I don't need to add anything to it. We see it on Facebook, on the news, in our families, our circles of friends. Everywhere we turn there is hate for someone or something. I want to love people more. #spreadthelove
  8. Workout 5 days/week - This one is self explanatory. I want to workout 5 days a week for all of 2015. 
  9. Trust God - I am a Christian woman. If you're not Christian that is completely okay, but I am. I've had my trust in God tested over the past three years, and I want to continue deepening my faith and allowing myself to trust God in all situations and circumstances that come my way. 
  10. Continue building my marriage - In a country where the divorce average is 50%, I went into my marriage knowing that I would have to safeguard it every day if I planned on it lasting. I wanted my marriage to be fireproof. I dated my husband for 9 years before we got married. We were high school sweethearts. I figured it was a safe bet that we'd be okay but I didn't want to get lazy on it. So my husband and I committed to celebrating our marriage every month instead of only once a year. We were married on Nov.1st so we take the 1st of every month as our day. What we do together doesn't have to be expensive or extravagant but the idea is to continually show each other we are "all in" and that the other is important and loved. For example, on Dec. 1st we took a cheat day to go out for hibachi and doughnuts. Yesterday, Jan.1st, we were on our honeymoon but we went bowling and walked on the beach. My parent's were divorced and, as I mentioned, it was devastating. I want to do everything I can to make sure that doesn't happen to my husband and I. 

What are your REALsolutions for 2015? 

Monday, December 22, 2014

What is Focus T25?

No time to workout? That excuse is now null in void with Shaun T's Focus T25 which boasts "an hour's worth or training in just 25 minutes."

Shaun T is the same fitness expert who created Hip Hop Abs, Rockin' Body, Insanity, Insanity: Asylum and his newest release - Insanity Max:30. If there is anything you need to know about Shaun T it's that he does not do easy. This workout is only 25 minutes a day but it is intense.

                                                                     Ready to Focus?

This workout is my soulmate workout. What is a soulmate workout? That means I would choose it over all of my other Beachbody programs. Why? First, because I love Shaun T. He's never produced a workout that I didn't like (even Insanity). However, mostly because it's only 25 minutes. I currently work full-time, go to school full-time, coach part-time and have to make time for my husband sometime before I pass out at night. When the workout is that short I can go hard and then move on to the next thing on the list. It also keeps me accountable because I can't excuse myself out of a workout that is shorter than my favorite Netflix show (Gilmore Girls). 

Tell me more! 
T25 is a 50 day program (10 weeks - 5 days on and 2 days of rest) built on F.I.T (Focus Interval Training). You will go hard for 25 minutes without a break. You WILL get results. 
The 50 days break down into two cycles - Alpha and Beta. 

Alpha (the first 30 days)
              Cardio: This cardio workout will have you burning fat and sweating.
             Speed 1.0: Fast paced workout focuses on speed and stretching      
               Total Body Circuit: No weights needed cardio based strength workout
           Ab Intervals: Interval-based fat burning routine for a shredded core
Lower Focus: Strengthen and sculpt from the waist down

                                                                Beta (2nd 30 days) 
                 Core Cardio: Exactly what it sounds like - cardio focused on the core.
               Speed 2.0: Shaun picks up the pace and throws in new speed moves.
RIP'T Circuit: Cardio, upper body, legs, abs & REPEAT
                      Dynamic Core: Shaun takes you from vertical to horizontal in this crazy core workout!
Upper Focus: You'll work everything above the waist. 

          *Extra DVD's (only available through your Beachbody coach purchase)*
Stretch: Relax and stretch it out once every 5 days  
        Core Speed: Grab a towel and try to keep up with Shaun T in this core focused speed workout.

                                                    Gamma (Optional - Sold Separately)
                 If you've completed the 10 weeks and you're ready to take it to the next level, Gamma is                  your game. This additional 4 weeks takes it to the max with new, high intensity workouts for carving lean muscle. 
Rip't Up: Strengthen and streamline your biceps, triceps, shoulders, back and chest
Extreme Circuit: Build lean muscle and burn fat at the same time! Weights never leave your hand (not even in the warm-up). 
The Pyramid: Strength Endurance - Accelerate your reps as time progresses. 

YES! I am ready to FOCUS! 

Show me the results! 

Amanda (33) lost 110 lbs and 16 sizes with T25. Amanda said, "When I was 26 I was diagnosed with MS. After years of dealing with the residuals symptoms from my 1st flair, I started to notice that after I began my new lifestyle that the 2 symptoms that continued to bother me were getting better to the point that they are 95% gone. Also I suffer from Migraine Headaches, they have also greatly improved after my change. The last thing that I have noticed that is so much better in my fatigue level. Due to my MS I suffered with Fatigue usually on a daily basis. Everything to do with this program has helped me decrease my fatigue level, along with increasing my energy level." 
Jose Sanchez lost 82 lbs and reclaimed his life with T25. Jose said, "I haven't seen the 220's since high school...back in the late 90's! I've seen the informercials where people say, "I'm in better shape than I was in high school," and I think BLASPHEMY! Well I guess it's possible! Who knew if you actually DECIDE and COMMIT, you will indeed SUCCEED! 

   YES!  I am ready to FOCUS! 

What all do I get? 
Your challenge pack comes with the following: 
- Your 30 day supply of Shakeology
- Your workout program
- One on one coach support from me
- 24/7 challenge group support 
- nutrition guide
- 5 day fast track for beginning the nutrition plan
- Alpha/Beta wall calendars 
- B-lines resistance band (15 lbs.)

Any questions? If you have any questions about T25 or any of the other Beachbody programs contact me here

YES!  I am ready to FOCUS! 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

All in with Fitness

When I was a kid fitness was not a word in my vocabulary. My parents never talked about "diets" or "weight loss". There were vegetables in my house, sure, but there was also an abundance of sweet treats and soda. Oh soda! I'm not even sure if I drank water as a kid unless it slipped into my mouth during the shower. Seriously. I have vivid memories of being the "bigger" one amongst my friends. In 5th grade all my neighborhood friends were stick thin. They were so small they could still safely ride in Barbie jeeps which means they had to have been less than 75 lbs. At that same age I was easily over 100. I'd show you a picture but I don't have one. As an adult I became frustrated with my body and frustrated with the fact that I couldn't do simple things like climb a flight of stairs without getting winded. These were the things that inspired me to set out on this journey of becoming a better me. It's not because I hate myself, actually on the contrary I love myself. I love myself enough to gift myself a better future. I desire a future free of blood pressure medicines, diabetes and heart disease if I can help it. I'm a newlywed so I'm not thinking about kids anytime soon, but if and when I have kids one day, I want to be able to chase them through the yard, play ball, climb trees and all those parent things. Currently I am a full-time teacher. At my school I hold two positions. From 7:30AM-1:30PM I teach 5th grade and from 2:00-3:30PM I work for the after school program mainly entertaining the Kindergartners. I taught Kindergarten for one year so I'm used to that age. They are rambunctious and active. They talk a mile a minute and move even faster than that. Kindergartners don't understand when you tell them you can't run laps around the gym with them. Kindergartners don't understand why you can't play tag or run longer than five seconds. It's sad telling a 5 year old that you can't race with them. Sure they play it off with a laugh saying, "You've got to be small to run this fast." They don't know the truth, but you do.

On November 1, 2014 I embarked upon a lifelong journey with my high school sweetheart and soul mate. I made the commitment to stand by him for the rest of my life and I want to be alive as long as possible for him. All of these things summed up why I began this journey. I began it to love myself on a higher level. I began it to become a better me. If in anyway I can be of support to someone also on this same journey, I want to do that. If I can be an example, or a rock, or a reminder that you are not alone, I want to do that. That's why I started this blog. This blog is partially for me as a means for me to track my personal journey, but it's mainly for you. The main purpose of this blog is for you, the one reading it, to remember that you do not travel alone. When the going gets hard (and it will) you are not the only one doing this. When you're staring at those progress pictures looking for something, anything to be different, wondering if this will ever happen for you, remember you are not the only one. Remember this is not a race. You are not in competition with anyone. You're not in competition with me, your sister, your best friend, NO ONE. The only person you are in competition with is yourself!